ACTION ALERT: Take Action to Save Grassland Birds!

Short eared owlTell New York State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Ways and Means Chair Helene E. Weinstein you want critical habitat for NY’s endangered and threatened grassland birds protected NOW!

Tell them to pass Bill #A-6759 so that Short-eared owls and other imperiled grassland birds do not disappear from New York State. We have only four weeks left to get this bill passed!

The bill would amend NY’s real property tax law to require the state to pay taxes on lands it owns in towns within the Washington County Grasslands Important Bird Area (IBA). This legislation, when passed, will enable these economically distressed rural communities to support grassland bird conservation, without reducing the local tax base.

Call or email Speaker Heastie and Ways and Means Chair Weinstein today! Tell them you support Assembly Bill 6759 and FIBA and DEC efforts to protect and restore NY’s endangered Short-eared owls, Snowy owls and other grassland bird “species of greatest conservation need.”

If you can spare a few more minutes, please contact your Assembly Member and ask them to co-sponsor or at least vote for this bill. (

Contact us if your organization would like to sign on to FIBA’s letter of support for this vital legislation.