Solar panels threaten the endangered Short-eared Owl and other grassland birds and their habitat:
Audubon (June 1, 2023): Conservation Groups Aim to Cushion Birds from Solar Power Boom
Hill Country Observer (Dec 2022/Jan 2023): Threatened and endangered Washington County grassland birds collide with renewable energy
Times Union (Dec 27, 2022): Solar arrays threaten vanishing grassland birds in Washington County
Look Media Resource (Dec 26, 2022): Grassland Bird Trust chairman explains the risk to Washington County grassland birds
The Post-Star (Dec 17, 2022): Grassland raptors at risk from Fort Edward solar project
Journal & Press (Dec 16-31, 2022, page 4): Time to give a hoot
GBT Newsletter (Fall 2022, page 3): A risky experiment in the grasslands